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Business Unit Cross Industry - Activity News

IMIG team will strengthen collaboration in the global market in three business segments. I will introduce the activities in the Business Unit Cross Industry Section field in this report.

What does the Business Unit Cross Industry deal with?

We first made a strategic definition of the BU Cross Industry business area. The Business Unit Cross Industry is devided in the following three business areas:

  • Conglomerate company: A company with multiple large businesses, e.g. SIEMENS.
  • Multi-market company: Companies approaching multiple markets based on specific technologies, e.g. any material manufacturers.
  • Other company: Other industries except for automotive segment and mechanical segment, e.g. medical companies.

Creating a potential customer map

Next, we mapped potential customers in Germany, the United Kingdom, the USA, China, Japan, etc. and listed about 50 important customers. We also list the technologies and methods that the IMIG team can contribute to each potential customer.

Proposal activities for important customers

So how can we contact these important customers? Of course, as before, direct proposal activities to top management are important and will continue. However, the individualized approach is inefficient for many potential customers globally. Therefore, we decided to work on an activity called Online F-Lab. Online F-Lab provides a lot of information and methods that the IMIG team has at online seminars. In addition to providing seminars, we design training methods for each customer. This can increase customer value and help us understand our customers.

This project will start a trial in March 2021. I would like to introduce the results at the next opportunity.


Kazuo Ooiwa
Managing Director I FMIC / IMIG Japan

For further information please contact us either by mail: or by phone: +49 7152 928 460.

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